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Is Clash of clans a strategy game?

If you're considering delving into the strategic world of Clash of Clans, here's what you need to know! What kind of game is Clash of Clans? Clash of Clans is a MMO or massively multiplayer online strategy game developed by Supercell.

How many people play Clash of clans?

There are over 785,953 people playing Clash on Clans concurrently on all available devices, which includes Android smartphone devices and iOS devices (iPad and iPhone). While Clash of Clans is available in all countries, the top countries playing the game are: United States. Turkey. China. Germany. Russia. United Kingdom.

How do I find a clan?

Search by Clan Tag (e.g. #YJY0Y2LG) if you can't find the clan by name. Search by Player Tag (e.g. #RY22QJCR) if you can't find the player by name. Need a clan? Find one using the form below. One of the leading Clash of Clans stats websites that can help you search for clans and players and view profile stats, clan stats, and more!

Where can I play Clash of clans?

While Clash of Clans is available in all countries, the top countries playing the game are: United States. Turkey. China. Germany. Russia. United Kingdom. Clash of Clans is a free-to-play mobile game played on iOS and Android. Players in Clash of Clans are the village heads, so if you play the game, you will be made the village chief.

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